Rubber Expansion Joints
Series SJ-205
Manufactured with a streamlined, self-cleaning arch, EVR’s SJ-205 is designed to absorb vibration and eliminate buildup of suspended materials in the system flow. The SJ-205 expansion joint achieves considerable flexibility – rivalling standard multi-arch designs – with a single arch.
Series SJ-21
The SJ-21 is the industry standard spool-type expansion joint. The SJ-21 is available in configurations from zero to four arches – depending on movement requirements – and 3 standard pressure ratings in a variety of elastomers.
Series SJ-221
The SJ-221 expansion joint features a unique arch design which provides greater movement capabilities without increasing face-to-face requirements. The single arch SJ-221 provides the same movement capabilities as a traditional double arch design, while the double arch SJ-222 is equivalent to a quadruple arch product.
Series MJ-60-M
A low cost, double-width arch, externally reinforced, moulded butyl expansion joint with twice the movement capability of standard expansion joints. This expansion joint is commonly used in pulp and paper applications, as well as water and waste treatment.
Series TE-51
Flow process machinery can generate considerable vibration that equates to excessive stress loads on adjacent equipment. In process systems with corrosive or caustic materials, conventional expansion joints materials may not be suitable.
Concentric and Eccentric Joints – Series CJ-31 and EJ-41
For situations where piping diameters of different sizes must be connected, EVR’s Concentric and Eccentric Joints – Series CJ-31 and EJ-41 are the answer. Manufactured to the stringent standards of EVR’s product lines, these units can be engineered for specific material situations and offer all of the advantages of EVR’s other expansion joints.
Series OJ Slip-On
EVR’s OJ Series Slip-On expansion joint offers the perfect solution for new and existing installations. Its high degree of flexibility insulates and protects equipment from the damages of vibration and can easily accommodate normal misalignments.
Series MJ-70 – Double-Arch
The MJ-70 double-arch expansion joint features a precision moulded elastomer compound reinforced with multiple plies of nylon. The shape of the arches provide a smooth, low turbulence flow which will handle process fluids with suspended solids.
Series MJ-80 – Single-Arch
The MJ-80 single-arch expansion joint features a precision molded elastomer compound reinforced with multiple plies of nylon. The spherical shape of the arch provides a smooth, low turbulence flow which will handle process fluids with suspended solids.
Series MJ-90 – Molded Elastomer
MJ-90 molded elastomer expansion joints are designed to handle vibration, misalignment and movement in smaller diameter piping systems. The union ends provide a simple means of disconnecting the piping to service equipment such as pumps.
Teflon Expansion Joint – Series TJ-95
Offering an incredible degree of flexibility, EVR’s TJ-95 expansion joint is ideal for ultrapure environments or systems with glass or Teflon-lined piping.
Control Units
Expansion joints and pump connectors are not designed to support weight or limit pipe movement. Excess movement may be the result of abnormal temperature fluctuations, pressure surges, or insufficient anchoring or guiding of the piping.